Swim Point Sunrise

Buy the original oil painting or a limited edition print to support the Dudley Scholarship Foundation and the World Education Endeavor

50% of the profits from each print sale supports The Dudley Scholarship Fund. Give a camper a an opportunity to experience the magic of camp Dudley or Kiniya. The other 50% goes to building The World Education Endeavor 501c3, WE Endeavor. WE Endeavor is a 501c3 nonprofit organization creating education, job training and employment opportunities based on individual passions. WE Endeavor’s app connects students to on-the-job training and mentorship opportunities by their passion and arms them with the resources they need to succeed. For more information please request a presentation by emailing: conact@we-endeavor.org
The painting is featured on this year’s Last Whistle cover. It was made this past summer by one of our Brodie art teachers and camper 14484, Anthony Fatato.

Swim Point Sunrise

The sun warms the earth, the warmed earth moves the wind gently pushing back the ultra violet quilt of fog that lay upon the lake and mountains. Early risers convene in the twilight to scheme the best use of the last days of summer. Suddenly the golden dawn lights the flag at Swim Point like an enormous beacon honoring 121 years of waterlogged joyful generations of campers. Bit by bit, from peak to point, Sutter is set ablaze with oranges, violets and pinks in endless hue.

It’s quiet now but it will only last a moment longer. We know this moment of stillness before the kaboom that starts the rabble that leads to breakfast, then the games, swimming, smiles, bracelets, more rabble, singing, eating, lots of laughter, some theatre, then stories, to bed until whispers to sleep.

A flock of geese fly south in formation to find warmth together. Each goose makes it easier for the goose flying behind them. They take turns enduring the heavy winds at the front of the flock. Dedicated teamwork makes us family, “The other fellow first” is how we do it.